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Hotel de Ville de Douai France Miniature

Terms and conditions of sale

France Miniature 2024


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the "GTCS") apply in their entirety from 1st January 2024 and for the duration of the 2024 season, to all activities and services organised within the France Miniature Park (hereinafter the "Services") and sold to individual customers (hereinafter the "Customer(s)") by the company FRANCE MINIATURE (hereinafter the "Seller").

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale govern all sales of Services made by e-mail to the Contact Centre, at the France Miniature Park ticket office, or online on the France Miniature website www.franceminiature.en (the "Website"). An Order may only be placed by an individual of legal age, capable of doing so and solely for his or her own personal needs.

The Seller offers Customers (i) edutainment and leisure services in the form of a ticket (pass, Ticket), (ii) birthday services for a minimum of eight (8) children and (iii) any other ancillary service (edutainment booklet, etc.). In the context of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale: "Ticket" refers to a ticket, pass or subscription allowing the Customer access to France Miniature's leisure areas on a specific date or during a specific period; "Birthday package" refers to a ticket allowing a group of at least eight (8) children to enjoy a free visit to France Miniature's leisure areas, a treasure hunt and a birthday snack; "Exchange voucher" refers to a voucher that can be exchanged for one or more Services organised and sold by the Seller. Any purchase of one of the aforementioned Services implies the Customer's unreserved acceptance of the GCS, notwithstanding any stipulation to the contrary.


The Services described herein are organised and sold to Clients by :

FRANCE MINIATURE, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 1,809,300.00 euros,
Registered office: 25 Route du Mesnil - 78 990 Elancourt, France,
Contact: Tel: 01 30 16 16 30; E-MAIL:
Intracommunity VAT number: FR90348677196
Registered with the Registre des Sociétés et du Commerce de Versailles under number 348 677 196,
Registered with the Registre des Opérateurs de Voyages et de Séjours under no. IM078120028,
Financial guarantee: Atradius Credito y Caucion S.A., 159 rue Anatole France, CS 50118, 92596 Levallois Perret,
Liability insurer: Allianz IARD, 1 cours Michelet, CS 30051 92076 Paris La Défense Cedex, policy no. 86.351.239


Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Order") may be purchased:

For Tickets :

- At the Vendor's ticket office, Boulevard André Malraux, 78990 Élancourt, every day that the France Miniature Park is open, until 1 hour before the Park's ticket offices close.
- Online on the Website, accessible from the following address: www.franceminiature.en

A Customer may reserve up to nineteen (19) Tickets per Order, regardless of the method of acquisition of said Tickets. For any orders exceeding this limit, Customers are invited to contact the Seller, whose contact details are given in article 2 above.

For the Anniversary Package: only by e-mail to the Contact Centre at the following address:

The Contact Centre can also be contacted for any information at: 01 30 16 16 30, from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, but does not take bookings by telephone.

3.1.  Online ordering of Tickets

For all online Orders, Customers are invited to enter their e-mail address and, where applicable, to identify themselves by means of a form for creating a personal customer account. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1127-2 of the French Civil Code, Customers are given the opportunity to check the details of their Order and its total price, and if necessary to correct any errors before confirming it, thereby expressing their acceptance.

To finalise the Order, the Customer must read the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, accept them by ticking the appropriate box and proceed with payment in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Article 5.

The Order shall only be firm and definitive once the Vendor has received payment in full. The sales contract is then deemed to have been formed.

For all Orders for Tickets placed online, the Customer will receive, by e-mail, a confirmation of the Order summarising the purchases made, the price applied and the essential characteristics of the Services ordered. The confirmation e-mail includes :

- Proof of payment for the Services ordered,

- The dematerialised Ticket(s) and/or Vouchers for passes.

- The general terms and conditions of sale applicable to the Order.

The e-mail confirmation of the Order received by the Customer constitutes proof of the entire transaction in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 2000-230 of 13 March 2000 and is the only authentic document in the event of a dispute.

3.2. Remote ordering of the Anniversary Package

For any Birthday Package Order by e-mail, the Customer must specify the date of the event, the number of children, the age of the children, the billing address (postal and e-mail) and the name of the purchaser.

The Vendor provides the Customer with the pre-contractual information set out in article L.221-5 of the French Consumer Code, and invites the Customer to consult these GTS via a clickable link in the e-mail containing the pre-contractual information. Once the Customer has agreed to complete the Order in accordance with the conditions communicated, the Customer will receive confirmation of the reservation by e-mail. The confirmation e-mail contains : 

- The booking Contract for the Services booked with a request for a deposit of an amount corresponding to 30% of the total price of the Anniversary Package to be paid, between 60 and 22 days before the date of the event and a summary of the Services booked with the essential characteristics, the price applied, the number of children and the date of the event.

The Order is not binding until the Vendor has received the deposit. The deposit is payable, between 60 and 22 days before the date of the event, by cheque, bank transfer or credit card (In the case of payment by credit card only, the Customer may call the Seller's Contact Centre to make payment) upon receipt of the e-mail confirming the booking of the Birthday Package. The balance of the price of the Anniversary Package must be paid at the latest on the day of the visit directly at the France Miniature Park ticket office in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Article 5.

In the event of non-payment of the deposit by the due date, the reservation of the Anniversary Package is purely and simply cancelled.


4.1. Ticket price

The price of a Ticket includes at least one entry to the leisure areas of the Parc France Miniature for an adult (aged 12 and over) or a child (aged 4 to 11 inclusive) on the date or during the period of validity indicated on the Ticket. Children under the age of four (4) on the date of the visit are entitled to free admission to the Parc France Miniature.

 4.2Price of a birthday package

The price of the Birthday Package is calculated for a group of at least eight (8) children (including at least 7 paying children). The Birthday Package is available for children from the age of 6 (recommended minimum age) up to a maximum of 14 years old and includes:

- Admission to the France Miniature Park,

- A treasure hunt booklet,

- Birthday party including birthday cake, drinks and sweets for a minimum of eight (8) children;

At least one adult is responsible for each group of children. The child whose birthday is being celebrated and the adult supervising the group of children are free of charge. Each additional adult pays the current birthday pass price, up to a maximum of three (3) additional adults at the accompanying adult rate. Beyond this, each adult will pay the price of the France Miniature Park entry ticket at the full box office rate and a snack supplement. For each additional child (over 7 children), the accompanying adult will pay the price of a France Miniature Park admission ticket corresponding to the child's age and a snack supplement. 


Subject to the provisions of Article 3.2, for all Orders for Services, the full price must be paid in full in euros at the time the Order is placed.

5.1.  Cash/Holiday vouchers/Gift vouchers

For any Order placed at the counter, the Customer may pay in cash, by ANCV holiday voucher or by gift voucher (*). Cash payments made by Customers whose tax residence is in France are limited to the sum of €1,000 per Order in accordance with the provisions of articles L 112-6 and D.112-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. Holiday and gift vouchers must be valid at the time of purchase.

(*) List of gift vouchers accepted: Kadéos (Culture , horizon, infinite), Ticket Accord(Culture , horizon, infinite), Ticket compliments, TIR Groupé (happiness, cultural freedom), Chèque culture, Chèque Best, Bimpli Cado, Shopping Pass

5.2.  Credit card

For all Orders placed online and/or at the counter, payment may be made by bank card.

Unless otherwise indicated when the Order is placed, only bank cards from the CARTE BLEUE/ VISA, EUROCARD/MASTERCARD and AMEX networks are accepted. The Customer's bank account will be debited with the price of the Order as soon as it has been confirmed.

In the case of over-the-counter Orders, proof of payment shall be issued to the Customer immediately after payment has been made, if expressly requested in accordance with article L 541-15-10 of the French Environment Code. In the case of online Orders, the Customer will be able to view the proof of payment automatically after completing the Order, on the confirmation page that he/she will receive by e-mail. In the case of distance Orders, the Customer will receive the proof of payment by e-mail if they have one, or by post within eight (8) days of payment for the Order.

5.3.  Bank cheque

Only bank cheques drawn on a bank account opened in France and made payable to the Vendor will be accepted. Customers opting for this method of payment must present a valid form of identification for any over-the-counter Order, and for any Anniversary Package Order placed remotely, must send the bank cheque together with a photocopy of their valid form of identification.

If a Customer orders a Birthday Package remotely, for which payment must be received by the Vendor several days before the Birthday Package is to be used, the Customer must ensure, when placing the Order, that payment reaches the Vendor sufficiently in advance to enable the Customer to benefit from the service. If payment has not reached the Vendor by the time the Customer arrives, the Order will be cancelled and no reservations will be made for Birthday Packages.

5.4.  Payment security

Electronic payments made as part of online Orders on the Vendor's Web Site are secured by the use of an encryption process that guarantees the confidentiality and security of the data.


In the case of any Order at the ticket office, the Customer will be given his Thermal Tickets immediately.

For all remote Orders for the Anniversary Package, confirmation of the Order is sent to the Customer by e-mail immediately after the Vendor has received the deposit.

For all online Orders, dematerialised Tickets (E-tickets) and vouchers for passes are sent by e-mail immediately after the online Order has been paid for.

No postal delivery is made for Tickets or Vouchers.


7.1. Tickets or Season Pass

A dated Ticket is valid only for the date(s) it specifies.

If it is issued, an undated Ticket is valid for the entire duration of the Season during which the undated Ticket was purchased. It does not guarantee access to the France Miniature Park in the event of a large number of visitors.

Tickets are checked at the entrance to the Parc France Miniature using bar code readers. In this context, the Seller reserves the right to also check the identity of Customers carrying Tickets. The dematerialised Ticket (E-ticket) is only valid if it is printed in full, on white paper, blank on both sides, or if it is displayed on a mobile phone screen such as a Smartphone. If the Customer chooses to print his/her Tickets, he/she must be able to present as many A4 sheets as Tickets purchased. The Customer remains solely responsible for the use made of his/her Ticket(s). A Ticket (thermal or dematerialised) that is damaged, has an illegible barcode or has already been read is considered to be invalid.

Season Passes are checked at the entrance to the France Miniature Park using a bar code reader. The check is carried out by the Vendor, using the information provided by the Customer when creating their Season Pass, and in particular their photo. If the face of the Season Pass holder does not match the face on the photo provided by the Customer when creating their Season Pass, the Vendor reserves the right to keep the pass and refuse access to the Customer, unless the Customer purchases an admission ticket at the current price.

7.2. Exchange Vouchers

The Exchange Voucher is always nominative and valid only for the designated person or persons.

Any Customer holding an Exchange Voucher must go to the place indicated in the Order confirmation with a valid form of photo identification in order to collect a definitive ticket or to gain direct access to the Service ordered. The Exchange Voucher is only valid if it is printed out in full, on white paper, blank on both sides, or if it is displayed on a mobile phone screen such as a Smartphone.

7.3. Anniversary packages

Any customer who has booked a birthday package and has paid their deposit in full may present the confirmation e-mail they have received at the France Miniature park cash desk to receive the tickets and vouchers they need to use their services.


For any purchase on the website of a Ticket that is not dated or is valid for a specific period (e.g. Season Pass), the Customer benefits, in accordance with article L.221-18 of the French Consumer Code and the transposition into French law of European Directive 2011/83/EU, from a withdrawal period of fourteen (14) days from receipt of the e-mail confirming the Order. To withdraw, the Customer must notify his/her decision to withdraw, before the expiry of the aforementioned period, by means of an unambiguous statement, for example by using the withdrawal form which can be downloaded HERE, and which is also available on, at the following address: France Miniature- Centre de Contact, 25 Route du Mesnil - 78 990 Elancourt, France.

The Customer who wishes, before the expiry of the fourteen (14) day period, to benefit from the Ticket purchased, must make an express request to FRANCE MINIATURE and will be obliged, if necessary, if he finally decides to withdraw, to pay the amount corresponding to the services provided by FRANCE MINIATURE until the date of communication of his decision to withdraw. This amount is proportionate to the total price of the Order.

Without prejudice to the foregoing and in accordance with the provisions of article L.221-28 of the French Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal may not be exercised for the distance purchase of "accommodation, transport, catering and leisure services", ordered in the form of a package or separately, for a specific date or periodicity. Consequently, the Customer does not benefit from a withdrawal period for Orders for Anniversary Packages or Date Tickets.


9.1. By the Customer

9.1.1. Billet

Tickets and ancillary services are not refundable, exchangeable or modifiable.

9.1.2. Anniversary package Modification of the Anniversary Package

A change to the anniversary package is a change to the number of participants. A change of date is considered as a cancellation.

The birthday package may be modified free of charge up to 21 working days before the date of the event. However, no changes to the number of children benefiting from the Package below the minimum number of beneficiaries set at eight (8) children (minimum 7 paying children) can be accepted.

Any request to modify the Anniversary Package within 21 working days will be invoiced for the amount of the service per person cancelled, it being understood that no modification concerning the number of children benefiting from the Package below the minimum number of beneficiaries set at eight (8) children (7 children paying minimum) can be accepted. Requests for downward modifications will not be reimbursed and requests for upward modifications will be invoiced at the price displayed at the ticket office. Cancellation of the Anniversary Package

The Anniversary Package booking is cancelled if the deposit has not been paid by the date indicated in the booking confirmation email.

The Birthday Package may be cancelled free of charge up to 21 working days before the date of the event.

Any request to cancel an Anniversary Package booking confirmed by the payment of a deposit and made less than 21 working days before the date of the event will incur a cancellation fee corresponding to the amount of the deposit paid by the Customer.

9.2. By the Seller

In the event that the Vendor is forced to cancel or modify an essential element of one of the Services ordered by the Customer, the Customer has the right to refuse the proposed modification and to obtain a full refund of the price of the Tickets ordered or of the deposit paid for the Anniversary Package.


The Seller is responsible for the proper performance of the Services ordered under the conditions set out in these GCS.

The Seller, who is only bound by an obligation of means with regard to online sales, may not be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular a break in service, external intrusion or the presence of a computer virus and, in general, for any other event expressly qualified by case law as a case of force majeure.

The Vendor may not, under any circumstances, be held liable in the event of loss or theft of Tickets, Exchange Vouchers, Season Passes or Customers' personal items which have not been deposited in the place reserved for this purpose.

The Seller alone is entitled to determine the conditions of operation and maintenance of the France Miniature Park, according to its needs and/or constraints, and alone decides (i) the opening calendar and opening hours to the public of the France Miniature Park; (ii) the services and attractions it offers and their conditions of use; (iii) the prices and terms of sale of the Services it offers to the public in the France Miniature Park; (iv) the programme of maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and renovation of all or part of the equipment; (v) the implementation of standards and rules concerning in particular the health and safety of persons and property in the France Miniature Park.

The Vendor may, at its sole discretion, decide to close all or part of the Parc France Miniature to the public for as long as necessary, in particular in order to carry out work necessary for the safety and protection of visitors, or related to the maintenance, repair or renovation of all or part of the equipment of the Parc France Miniature, or in the event of adverse weather conditions or force majeure forcing the Vendor to close all or part of the Parc France Miniature. The Vendor shall under no circumstances be liable to Customers arriving at the entrance to the Parc France Miniature with a Ticket as a result of decisions taken by the Vendor concerning operating and maintenance conditions.

Customers are responsible for the Orders they place for their personal needs. They are not authorised to resell the Tickets they have purchased or the Anniversary Packages. In the event of a proven breach, the Seller reserves the right to assert its rights before the competent courts.

Throughout the visit to the park, minors remain under the responsibility of their accompanying adults.

The Vendor has drawn up a set of internal rules for Customers, which can be accessed HERE. Customers and their guests are required to comply with the house rules applicable to the various areas of the Vendor's park. In the event of non-compliance, the Vendor shall be entitled to remove the Customer from the Park area.


In the event that the performance of the obligations incumbent upon the Vendor is delayed or prevented, in whole or in part, due to the occurrence of a case of force majeure as defined by article 1218 of the French Civil Code, the Vendor will inform the Customer by any means. In the event of force majeure, the Vendor's obligations are automatically suspended, without the Vendor being held liable in any way. However, the Vendor may propose to the Customer another date for the consumption of the Services ordered and affected by the case of force majeure.


In accordance with article L.213-1 of the French Consumer Code, for any Order placed online on the Vendor's Web Site for an amount equal to or greater than €120, the Vendor shall ensure that the written record of the Customer's Order is kept for a period of ten years from the date of delivery of the Order and shall guarantee the Customer access to this record at any time during this same period.


Except in the case of force majeure as defined in article 11 of the GCS, in the event of failure by the Vendor to fulfil its obligation to provide the Services on the date or within the period indicated to the Customer, the Customer may terminate the contract by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or in writing on another durable medium if, after having requested the Vendor to provide the Services within a reasonable additional period, the Vendor has not fulfilled its obligation within this period. The contract shall be deemed to have been terminated upon receipt by the Vendor of the letter or writing informing it of such termination, unless the Vendor has performed in the meantime. Nevertheless, the Customer may terminate the contract immediately if the Vendor refuses to supply the Services or if he does not perform his obligation to supply the Services on the date or within the period indicated to the Customer, and this date or period constitutes an essential condition of the contract for the Customer. This essential condition results from the circumstances surrounding the conclusion of the contract or from an express request made by the Customer before the conclusion of the contract (Article L216-2 of the French Consumer Code).


Orders for Tickets, Season Passes and/or Anniversary Packages are made on a personal basis. Under no circumstances may they be transferred to a third party without the Vendor's prior written consent.


The Vendor's Website is governed by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction of trademarks, logos or distinctive signs from the Site without the Vendor's express written authorisation is therefore prohibited within the meaning of article L 713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.


Compagnie des Alpes (RCS Paris 349 577 908) and France MINIATURE (a subsidiary of Compagnie des Alpes), as joint data controllers, process personal data as part of the marketing and operation of the products and services of the France MINIATURE Park.

This processing is described in the personal data protection policy available on our website and at the Parc France MINIATURE reception desk.

In accordance with the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data, you have the right to access information concerning you, as well as the right to rectify, oppose, limit the processing and delete your personal data. You can exercise this right by contacting our data protection officer via this form or at, or by post at the following address: France MINIATURE Service Protection des données personnelles 25 Route du Mesnil à Elancourt (78 990), France.  disponible sur notre site internet, ainsi qu’à l’accueil du Parc France MINIATURE.


All sales of Services made by the Customer pursuant to the GTC are subject to French law.

Any complaint relating to the booking of the Services or their performance must be sent to the Seller's Complaints Department (France Miniature, Centre de Contact, 25 Route du Mesnil - 78 990 Elancourt) by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within twenty (20) days of the performance of the Services accompanied by all supporting documents (Tickets, Season Passes) (i) issued to the Customer as part of the Order and (ii) proving that the complaint is well-founded (medical certificate, photograph, official report), failing which the complaint will not be processed. For all Orders placed online, complaints may also be made by email to the following address:

Any Customer who has not received a satisfactory response to their complaint within sixty (60) days of referring the matter to the Vendor's Complaints Department, in accordance with the provisions of article L.211-3 of the French Consumer Code, in the event of a dispute arising from the validity, interpretation or performance of the GTC, may have recourse free of charge to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method. The Customer is informed of the possibility of having recourse to a mediation procedure with the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman in accordance with the procedures set out on the website (MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage - BP 80 30375 823 Paris Cedex 17 ) within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date of the written complaint made to the Vendor. If they so wish, Customers may also use the online dispute resolution service offered by the European Commission in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013. This platform can be accessed via the following link: If an amicable settlement cannot be reached, the Customer may refer the matter either to one of the courts with territorial jurisdiction under the French Code of Civil Procedure, or to the court for the place where the Customer resided when the contract was concluded or when the harmful event occurred (Article R. 631-3 of the French Consumer Code).